Bedan des Parts

Why you should be excited

Bedan des Parts is an old French bittersweet cider apple that’s productive and ripens very late in the season.

The story of Bedan des Parts

Like so many great – but obscure in North America – cider apple varieties, Bedan des Parts comes from Normandy, where it has been grown productively for somewhere around 150 years, perhaps longer. The French might say “Who cares that it’s little known in North America?” and they’d have a point.

Vigorous, productive and precocious, Bedan des Parts is held back only by its susceptibility to apple scab (a weakness shared with many other traditional cider varieties) and the fact that it’s just not that well known.

It’s a mild bittersweet, with a decent level of sugar, low acid and modest tannins. Both its blooms and its fruit come very late in the season, as do many other cider varieties, so pollination should not be a problem as long as you have several different varieties that all bloom around the same time..

Plus it’s less biennial that some other cider varieties, which is another bonus.

Bedan des Parts Facts

Its origins

Discovered in Normandy, France, mid to late 19th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

The juice is fairly sweet, with low acid and mild tannins.


When ripe, this smallish apple is golden orange-skinned.

When they’re available

Very late season (in our orchard, we expect mid-October).

Quality for fresh eating

This bittersweet cider apple is not for fresh eating.

Quality for cooking

Nope. Just for cider.

Quality for cider

Good. Usually blended with other varieties.

Keeping ability

So-so (should be pressed within about a month of harvest).