Bottle Greening

Why You Should Be Excited

Bottle Greening is an old apple from the U.S. northeast notable for its flavour and keeping ability.

The Story of Bottle Greening

Yeah, this variety’s name seems obscure to most modern folk. But Bottle Greening wouldn’t seem such an odd moniker if you knew that green apples were known – back in the early days of apple growing in the United States – as ‘greenings.’

It’s even less odd if you knew this particular variety was a chance seedling that eventually grew into a gnarled old tree with a partially hollow trunk in which early 1800s labourers loved to stash their beverages. Hence Bottle Greening. The connection — odd as it is — actually makes some sense.

So revel in the quirky old name of this variety and the quality of this delicious heritage apple, a great keeper and good for fresh eating, baking, juice and cider.

Bottle Greening Facts

Its origins

Discovered in the U.S. northeast, sometime in the early 1800s.

Flavour, aroma, texture

The flesh is tender, juicy and subacid. While the skin is tough, the flesh verges on ‘melting.’.


A medium-to-large yellowish-green apple with some red blush.

When they’re available

Late season (in our orchard, usually in late September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Very good.

Quality in cider

This juicy variety has a good reputation for use in cider.

Keeping ability

Good (up to 2 months when kept refrigerated).