
Why you should be excited

Cidor is a modern French cider apple known for trees producing good-sized crops of bitter apples starting at a young age.

The story of Cidor

We don’t hear a lot about cider-specific apple varieties being developed in recent decades.

Perhaps this is because breeding of fresh-eating apples hogs the attention, as there actually has been significant effort put into breeding cider apple varieties, perhaps most notably at the now-defunct Long Ashton research facility in England.

Here is another modern cider variety: Cidor was released in 1986 in France.

It was a seedling of Douce Moën and is principally known for its bitterness as well as the favourable characteristics of the tree, which starts producing large crops at a young age.

Cidor Facts

Its origins

Bred in France; 1986 release.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Primarily known for the bitterness of its juice.


We’re waiting to get our first look.

When they’re available

Late season (in our orchard, we expect early October).

Quality for fresh eating

Only if you like your apples distinctly bitter.

Quality for cooking

Don’t even think about it.

Quality for cider


Keeping ability

We’ll let you know when we find out.