Golden Pearmain

Why you should be excited

Golden Pearmain is a high quality old U.S. fresh-eating variety, championed by Thomas Jefferson back in the day.

The story of Golden Pearmain

It may be hard to believe that North American conventional taste in fresh apples has not always favoured  rock-hard, seismically-crunchy, sugar-sweet and gushingly-juicy apples.

But it’s true. Once upon a time, there was a place for an apple like Golden Pearmain, with great flavour, tender flesh and – horrors – minimal juiciness.

Once a popular variety, this one virtually disappeared early in the 20th century before being resurrected as interest in old varieties gradually grew.

It’ll never be a grocery store star, but Golden Pearmain reminds us that there’s more than one way to define a good apple.

Golden Pearmain Facts

Its origins

Discovered in North Carolina, USA, early 18th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Fine-grained, firm, crisp and moderately juicy.


A medium-sized round apple with red stripes and orange flush.

When they’re available

Late season (in our orchard, we expect early October).

Quality for fresh eating

Very good.

Quality for cooking


Quality for cider


Keeping ability

We’ll let you know when we find out.