Metge (crab)

Why you should be excited

Metge is a crab-apple of mysterious (at least to us) origins and characteristics. We eagerly await its first fruit.

The story of Metge (crab)

We’ve received a few apple (and crab-apple) varieties over the years where someone brings us a stick of wood, or even a small tree, swearing that it’s something special that we must have.

Our fellow Salt Spring Island orchardist Harry Burton has done this a few times, gifting us new varieties that arrive with zero backstory, only assurance that we definitely want this new variety.

Metge crab-apple is such a variety.

Harry dropped off the wood one year upon his return from the U.S.A. All he could tell us was its name and that it’s a super great crab.

We took his word for it and eagerly await fruit production to see just how fabulous this variety – we can find no references to it online – really is.

Metge Facts

Its origins:

Unknown origins, likely in the USA.

Flavour, aroma, texture

It’s apparently just great…


Well… it’s small, we assume.

When they’re available

We’re waiting to see.

Quality for fresh-eating


Quality for cider


Quality for cooking


Keeping ability
