Pink Pearl


Why you should be excited

Pink Pearl is a subtly red fleshed apple that was bred in California by the eccentric genius Albert Etter.

The story of Pink Pearl

Most 20th century apple breeding – at least most that we hear about – was carried out by academic institutions, government agencies or nurseries as part of efforts to develop marketable apples for large scale production.

And then there was Albert Etter, self-taught (he began breeding fruit as a child), independent-minded and working in the mountains of California. Etter went his own way and his work was largely ignored by the industry.

Yet he developed a variety of excellent apple varieties, as well as strawberries.

We grow several of his apple varieties: Etter’s Gold, Jonwin, Katharine, Wickson and Pink Pearl. This one is notable for its pretty appearance inside (pink-tinged) and out (pearly yellow) and its nice flavour.

Pink Pearl Facts

Its origins

Bred in Ettersville, California; introduced in 1944.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Nice sweetness along with a definite zip of acid.


Medium sized, with pearly yellow skin hiding its pink flesh.

When they’re available

Early-season (usually in mid-August).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Very good.

Quality for cider

Good, with pinkish juice.

Keeping ability

So-so (a few weeks when kept refrigerated).