Red Delicious

Why you should be excited

Red Delicious is the one-time world number-one apple variety, now dethroned and relegated to history books.

The story of Red Delicious

You may have heard the sad story of Red Delicious, the biggest of big stars, ruined by short-sightedness.

A century and a half ago, Red Delicious was Hawkeye, a pretty, sweet, yellow apple with red stripes.

It was sturdy and a good keeper, so was embraced by producers.

Over time, orchardists noticed minor genetic variations: a branch with deeper red fruit or one with apples all exactly the same size, or ones that could sit for weeks without going bad.

Those variations, called ‘sports’ were propagated and as the decades passed, the renamed Red Delicious became more marketable, but less delicious.

Once the world’s most widely planted variety, it’s now largely discredited.

Red Delicious Facts

Its origins:

Discovered in Peru, Iowa, USA, in 1872.

Flavour, aroma, texture

At its best, it’s mild-flavoured, sweet and aromatic.


The classic red apple, tall, conical and deep red.

When they’re available

Mid-season (in our orchard: mid-September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cider

Fairly good (contributes lots of juice).

Quality for cooking

Doesn’t hold its shape.

Keeping ability

Good (2 to 3 months if kept refrigerated).