Rescue (crab)

Why you should be excited

Rescue is a hardy Saskatchewan-raised crab-apple that was introduced to the world during the Great Depression.

The story of Rescue

Back in the day when there were virtually no apple varieties that could survive a Canadian prairie winter, crab-apples were the fruit tree of choice.

So the introduction of Rescue in 1933 likely caused some excitement.

And what’s not to like?

From the long-lasting and aromatic pretty spring blooms that pollinate apple trees well through the pretty little red fruit that works well for cider and preserves, the fact that Rescue fruit can be eaten fresh by those who enjoy a zap of acid is simply icing on the cake.

Every apple orchard should make room for at least one crab, we figure.

It looks good and plays a positive role in helping ensure orchard success.

Rescue (crab) Facts

Its origins:

Bred in Scott, Saskatchewan, 1933 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

The firm textured little crabs are sour, but definitely edible fresh.


Small, red-skinned and round fruit.

When they’re available

Early-season (in our orchard: early August).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cider


Quality for cooking

Good for preserves.

Keeping ability

Minimal (1 or 2 weeks if kept refrigerated).