Stembridge Jersey


Why you should be excited

Stembridge Jersey is a 1950s-introduced English bittersweet cider apple that’s productive - every second year.

The story of Stembridge Jersey

One of the most fascinating things about apples is the way each variety has its strengths and weaknesses. Very few varieties are ideal in every way and those that are terrible in every way, well, those sorts of apples never even get named, let alone grown widely.

Stembridge Jersey is a great example of a good-news, bad-news apple. It’s a bittersweet cider apple that’s nicely productive and relatively disease-free. Good news so far.

But it’s also particularly susceptible to biennialism - producing good crops only every second year. Speaking from experience, I can say it’s pretty frustrating to have a young tree finally start to produce, only to discover it will only do so on alternate years.

But, still, this is a good cider apple.

Stembridge Jersey Facts

Its origins

Discovered in Somerset, England, in the 1950s.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Makes good quality bittersweet juice.


It’s a small to medium-sized green apple covered with red.

When they’re available

Mid-late season (usually in late September).

Quality for fresh eating

Used in cider only.

Quality in cider

Very good.

Quality for cooking


Keeping ability

Limited (you’ll want to press soon after harvesting).