

Why you should be excited

Akane is a Japanese-bred apple that's a pleasant and tasty option in early-mid-season.

The story of Akane

Through the dark days of the Second World War, people - regardless of where they lived or whose side they were on - still needed to eat. So research into apple varieties continued over those years in many countries, including in Japan.

It may not have been a topic North Americans would have been interested in applauding at the time, but folks in Japan were working on developing the Akane apple throughout the war. Perhaps indicative of the political realities associated with that timing, the variety wasn’t introduced to the rest of the world until 1970, well over three decades after the first Akane seedling was raised in Morioka.

Was this pleasant early apple worth the wait? Its modest popularity would seem to indicate ‘yes.’

Firm and exhibiting a pleasant balance between sweetness and acidity, this is a very nice apple that wins people over.

Akane Facts

Its origins

Bred in Morioka, Japan; 1970 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Firm, juicy, sweet, balanced with an assertive sharpness. Some people sense a hint of strawberry in the flavour.


A medium-sized, round red apple.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Very good.

Quality for cider

Surprisingly, Akane has earned accolades in cider, due to its pert acidity and assertive apple aroma.

Keeping ability

Minimal (best eaten in the week it's harvested).