Bulmer's Norman


Why you should be excited

Bulmer’s Norman is a bittersweet cider apple that was considered important about a century ago.

The story of Bulmer's Norman

When this apple was first brought to England –- more than 100 years ago –- it was so little known that the variety literally had no name. That changed rather quickly as its popularity rose.

It soon caught on as a bittersweet cider variety and before long was being planted pretty much everywhere cider was made.

Those heady days are long gone and today Bulmer’s Norman is used mainly for the sturdiness of its trunk – more highly-prized varieties are grafted onto it, so there isn’t actually any Bulmer’s Norman fruit from these trees. So it’s been a bit of a tumble in significance.

However, if you’re into serious cider, you’ll likely want to include Bulmer’s Norman somewhere in your orchard as well as in your cider blend. Especially since the trees are proving in our orchard to be reasonably vigorous and trouble-free.Ultimately, that's the sort of consideration that may deserve more prominence than whether or not it's currently viewed as a 'hot' variety.

Bulmer's Norman Facts

Its origins

Discovered in Normandy, France; early 1900s introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

This medium bittersweet cider apple produces a cider with hard, bitter tannins.


A large, conical, greenish-yellow apple.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in mid-September).

Quality for fresh eating

You'd need peculiar taste buds to eat this one fresh.

Quality for cooking


Quality for cider

It may not be in vogue as much as some other bittersweets these days, but Bulmer's Norman is most definitely a cider stalwart.

Keeping ability

There's little reason to keep a cider apple. Just ferment it, baby!.