Crimson Topaz


Why you should be excited

Crimson Topaz is a deeper red-coloured version of the wonderful modern, Czech fresh-eating variety, Topaz.

The story of Crimson Topaz

It's confession time: I admit that I broke our Salt Spring Apple Company rules when it came to Crimson Topaz.

In the case of every single other variety, if we have a minor genetic variation (known as a 'sport'), we just list the original variety and treat any sports (for example, Belle de Boskoop Red or Spartan Large) as the same as the original. This way, we avoid overstating the number of varieties we're growing.

But -- at least partly because I'm so excited about Topaz -- I counted it and Crimson Topaz as two different varieties, when really they're identical except for more red on this one.

Both are crisp and tart and delicious and I'm thrilled to have them.

Crimson Topaz Facts

Its origins

A sport of Topaz, which was bred in Rozvojova, Czech Republic; 1990s introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Crisp, cream-coloured flesh, with a distinctive tart and spicy flavour.


A medium to large-sized apple with a rich crimson skin colour.

When they’re available

Very late season (usually in November).

Quality for fresh eating

Very good.

Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh eating.

Quality for cider

Doesn't have a particular history as a cider apple, but -- like other heritage varieties -- it can almost certainly contribute positively to cider blends.

Keeping ability

Very good (4 months or more when kept refrigerated).