Early Ripe


Why you should be excited

Early Ripe is an old-time early apple best known for what it isn't it: susceptible to scab or easily bruised.

The story of Early Ripe

I’ll confess to a bias against apples with unromantic, simple descriptive names. Like Nova Easygro – which we have planted in quantity in our own orchard, despite its boring name – and Early Ripe.

My issue is partly with the boring name itself and partly with the idea someone apparently had that two words ‘say it all.’

Well, if an apple is about nothing more than being ripe early, that’s just not good enough for us. And this apple actually does have quite a bit more going for it: some disease resistance, little susceptibility to bruising and – most importantly – good flavour. It’s a variety that’s much more than its lame name would lead you to believe.

Early Ripe is about more than being ripe early, so we grow it.

Early Ripe Facts

Its origins

Likely started from seed in Adams County, Pennsylvania, USA, circa 1800.

Flavour, aroma, texture

The white flesh is fairly coarse, crisp, juicy and briskly subacid.


A medium to large-sized pale yellow or greenish-yellow apple.

When they’re available

Early season (usually in mid-August).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh eating.

Quality for cider

Doesn't have a reputation for widespread use in cider, although pretty much all heritage varieties from the U.S. have been used in cider.

Keeping ability

Limited (a few weeks when kept refrigerated).