Ellison’s Orange


Why you should be excited

Ellison’s Orange is an English apple from early in the 20th century that can pack a glorious flavour punch.

The story of Ellison's Orange

The idea of crossing Cox’s Orange Pippin with Calville Blanc d’Hiver interests us mightily.

We know many a cross ends up delivering nothing reminiscent –- let alone of the quality –- of either parent. But this one’s intriguing. The English Cox is legendary for its complex flavour, while the much older French apple, Calville Blanc is almost as highly respected.

So Ellison’s Orange appeared on the scene in 1904 with great expectations – that are fulfilled in good years, with intense flavour and juicy flesh. As long as a hint of aniseed doesn’t turn you off, Ellison’s Orange is a true winner. Even if it doesn’t keep particularly well.

Ellison's Orange Facts

Its origins

Raised as a seedling in Lincoln, England; 1911 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Intense, rich, aromatic flavour, with a taste of aniseed. The flesh is crisp, yet soft and juicy.


This medium-sized apple's skin shows a red flush and stripes over its greenish-yellow background.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in late September).

Quality for fresh eating

Very good.

Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh eating.

Quality for cider

Not particularly known for use in cider, but odds are good that it'd be a desirable addition to a cider blend.

Keeping ability

So-so (about 1 month when kept refrigerated).