

Why you should be excited

Greensleeves combines the best qualities of its venerable parents to make a very nice mid-season eating apple.

The story of Greensleeves

Bred to bring together the sweet flavour of the famed Golden Delicious with the tartness of the somewhat less famous British apple James Grieve, Greensleeves ends up delivering a likeable, if unremarkable, balance in a September fresh-eating apple.

Developed in the U.K. and introduced in the 1960s, this is an apple for those who crave sweet and sharp in the same bite -- a popular combination these days.

It may not be famous or incredibly remarkable in any particular way, but Greensleeves is a winner. Especially if you like the idea of a mellow mid-sized apple that doesn’t try too hard to knock your socks off.

Greensleeves Facts

Its origins

Bred in Kent, England, 1966 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Firm and juicy, mellow flavoured, with a nice sweet-tart balance.


A pretty yellow apple once ripe, sometimes with a pink blush.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually mid-September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh-eating.

Quality for cider

Not particularly known for use in cider. Its relatively high acids could be useful in cider blends, though.

Keeping ability

Limited (generally best to eat the week of harvest).