

Why you should be excited

Macoun is from the McIntosh family, is delicious, and has a strong following in northeastern North America.

The story of Macoun

Regional loyalty to particular apple varieties is one of the things that makes apples so interesting, even today after industrial agriculture and mega-marketing has done so much to wipe out regional differences.

As a result, if you hail from northeastern North America, there’s a pretty good chance you have fond feelings for Macoun, an apple that gains followers every time someone tastes it for the first time. It joins varieties like Cortland and Empire as regional McIntosh-related favourites.

Crisp and juicy, sweet with just the right balance of tartness, it’s neither a cooker nor a long-keeper, yet Macoun is much-loved.

Macoun Facts

Its origins

Bred at Geneva, New York, USA, 1920s introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Crisp texture, bright white pulp, juicy with a sweet flavour.


Medium-sized, dark red skin colour with a purplish flush, sometimes compared to the colour of cranberries.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually early October).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh eating.

Quality for cider

Good. A favourite of some eastern North American cider-makers.

Keeping ability

So-so (about a month when kept cold).