Milo Gibson


Why you should be excited

Milo Gibson is a one-of-a-kind apple: a chance seedling that's super-sweet and licorice-flavoured.

The story of Milo Gibson

Steven Hamblin, a long-time member of the North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX) was kind enough to tell us the story of this somewhat obscure apple, named for Milo Gibson, co-founder of NAFEX.

Gibson discovered this fine apple as a chance seedling, likely somewhere in Oregon. He named it Linnton, after a Portland neighbourhood and the apple won favour among aficionados.

NAFEX renamed it in 1975, following Mr. Gibson's death.

It’s a uniquely sweet, licorice-flavoured apple, likely quite different from any other you’ve tasted. Mr. Gibson would probably be pleased to have such a one-of-a-kind variety named after him.

Milo Gibson Facts

Its origins

Discovered in the U.S.A., likely Oregon, sometime in the mid-20th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Extremely sweet with little acid and a distinct licorice/anise flavour.


A medium-sized round apple with a greenish-yellow background skin colour, solidly blushed with red, including darker red striping.

When they’re available

Late season (usually in mid-October).

Quality for fresh eating

Very good, for those who like sweet apples.

Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh eating.

Quality for cider

Not particularly know for use in cider.

Keeping ability

Good (about 3 months when kept refrigerated).