
Why you should be excited

Northwood is an aromatic old English sweet cider apple of high quality that’s productive and deserves to be known.

The story of Northwood

It’s a mystery to me how a good quality apple can be around for literally 200 years and then – finally – start getting wider attention.

That’s the story of Northwood, originally known as Woodbine, due to the honeysuckle aroma of it juice. It grows on a vigorous tree that takes time to start producing good-sized crops, but does eventually become a reliable cropper.

And the juice is excellent, sweet and aromatic with little acid, making a soft, fruity, delicious cider either on its own or as part of a blend.

Considered a classic example of a Devon cider apple, Northwood deserves to be grown more widely.

So, why did it take from the 18th century until the 1960s for this fine apple to gain some recognition?

Northwood Facts

Its origins:

Found in Devon, England, likely in the 18th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

A sweet cider apple with good quality, highly aromatic juice.


A greenish-yellow medium-sized apple covered with red flush.

When they’re available

Mid-late season (in our orchard: mid-September).

Quality for fresh eating

Could be eaten fresh, but rarely is.

Quality for cider

Very good.

Quality for cooking

Just for cider.

Keeping ability

Good (can sweat for several weeks after harvest).