

Why you should be excited

Sinta is a British Columbia-bred apple that reputedly tastes better than either of its parents: Grimes Golden and Golden Delicious.

The story of Sinta

Lost in the shuffle of apple varieties.

That’s what happened to Sinta, a fine apple you’ve likely never heard about. Think of a Golden Delicious that’s almost white in colour, ripens earlier, is more disease resistant, stores better and tastes better.

Then ask yourself why you’d ever buy (or grow) Golden Delicious if you can get your hands on its child, Sinta.

The product of British Columbia’s once active apple breeding program, Sinta is a fine apple that may be hard to find but is well worth the search.

Sinta Facts

Its origins

Bred in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada, 1965 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Crisp, juicy, deep cream-coloured flesh, mildly sub-acid, sweet, aromatic flavour.


Medium-sized, pale yellow-skinned, sometimes almost white, with a pinkish blush.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in early October).

Quality for fresh eating

Very good.

Quality for cooking


Keeping ability

Very good (4 months when kept refrigerated).