Sturmer Pippin


Why you should be excited

Sturmer Pippin is a 19th century English apple that pays big dividends to those who wait for it to mellow.

The story of Sturmer Pippin

Here's an apple variety that will strike you entirely differently depending on when you first taste it.

If you assume it's going to taste best if Sturmer Pippin is munched directly after coming off the tree, then you're going to view this as an awfully sour -- if full-flavoured -- apple. But if you're savvy enough to wait until it's had at least a couple of months in cold storage, then you're in for a treat.

You see, Sturmer Pippin mellows and sweetens in storage, delivering a well-balanced and flavourful eating experience to folks who aren't in too much of a hurry.

Yes, it's a broad-shouldered brute that's not exactly beautiful, but there's something special going on here.

Sturmer Pippin Facts

Its origins

Bred in Sturmer, Suffolk, England in the 1800s.Its parents were Ribston Pippin and Nonpareil.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Robust and quite sour when first picked, but mellows in storage to become a nice balance of sweet and sharp.


A somewhat homely green-skinned apple, often flushed with red and with some russet.

When they’re available

Late season (usually in mid-October).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh-eating.

Keeping ability

Good (3 months or more when kept refrigerated).