Sweet Coppin

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Why you should be excited

Sweet Coppin is a rare bird these days: a full sweet apple grown pretty much exclusively for cider-making and juice.

The story of Sweet Coppin

In a world with literally thousands of apple varieties, why not use each variety for what it’s best suited and dispense with other uses?

By letting go of the idea that every apple needs to be good at everything, a world of possibilities opens up. Sweet Coppin suddenly has real value in a niche use: providing lots and lots of sweetness and fruit flavour to ciders and possibly to juice blends, too.

We don’t need to worry that its texture is soft, because we’re just using its juice. We don’t need to worry that it doesn’t keep long, because we press it soon after harvest.

Freed from expecting too much, we can appreciate this apple for what it is rather than concerning ourselves with what it is not. Sweet Coppin is an admirably useful apple; it's just not all things to all people.

Works for us.

Sweet Coppin Facts

Its origins

Discovered in Devon, England, early 18th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Soft flesh that's juicy and sweet, suited to cider and juice.


Pale green-yellow and sometimes quite lumpy-looking.

When they’re available

Late season (usually in October).

Quality for fresh eating

Don't bother. Leave it to cider and juice blends.

Quality for cooking

Don't cook it; just press it and use that rich, sweet juice!

Keeping ability

Minimal(2 or 3 weeks when kept refrigerated).