Tom Putt


Why you should be excited

Tom Putt is an 18th century English apple mainly used in cider, although it’s also a good cooking apple and even eaten fresh.

The story of Tom Putt

I intend no disrespect to Mr. Tom Putt, but I do wish his apple had taken a different, more colourful name from among the numerous monikers it’s been known by over the centuries.

For example, this sharp cider apple was called Devonshire Nine Square in some places. Izod’s Kernel in others. There were areas where it was Marrowbone. In others, Ploughman.

Those were all local names for this variety, which gained favour in the 19th century as a dual-purpose apple, good for adding acid to ciders and for cooking.

It’s rare to find a straight ‘sharp’ cider apple these days, but here one is. And we’ll happily go by the name that won consensus, even though we’d prefer Coalbrook, another of the local names with a nice ring to them.

Tom Putt Facts

Its origins

Discovered in Somerset, England, late 18th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Juicy, crisp and acidic.


A greenish-yellow apple about half striped with red.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in late September).

Quality for fresh eating

Mainly used in cider-making and cooking.

Quality for cooking

Good and very good in cider.

Keeping ability

Minimal (2 to 3 weeks when kept refrigerated).