Coming Right Along


June at the orchard means growth. Growth of trees, of the young fruit on the trees and of the little baby whips that were grafted a couple of months ago and are now starting to really thrive.

This year, Peri grafted more than 3,000 trees, most of them destined for backyards and orchards all over British Columbia's south coast. Our 2018 grafts included some 170 varieties, including a handful of new-to-us additions (we don't really have room for any more, but it's an addiction) plus many, many cider varieties to help satisfy the appetite of hobbyists and professionals alike who are craving cider apples like never before.

When fall comes, we'll be selling these trees. Some are already spoken for and others will be scooped up by folks looking for Chisel Jersey and Dabinett, Kingston Black and Bulmer's Norman, plus others and all the non-cider varieties we've also got on the go.

We've got a new irrigation system that Orchard Manager Adam Morris has just installed to keep the potted young trees thriving. And it's none too soon for that, as the forecast is calling for temperatures approaching 30 degrees by next week.

Bring it on! Here at Salt Spring Apple Company, we're ready for summer.