Merton Pippin


Why you should be excited

Merton Pippin is a London-bred fresh-eating apple that combines Cox's Orange Pippin with Sturmer Pippin.

The story of Merton Pippin

This apple is the product of yet another English effort to breed new apple varieties using the legendary Cox's Orange Pippin as one of the parents.

This time out, Cox is crossed with Sturmer Pippin, which is known for a distinctive flavour that's been compared -- favourably -- with cold steel. Believe it or not.

Combining Cox with a variety like that is almost bound to create interesting results and that's what happens here, as Merton Pippin delivers delicious flavour, including the Sturmer steeliness.

On top of the interesting flavour, it's known for excellent keeping ability.

Fascinating? We think so. That's why we sought out this now-obscure variety in hopes of trying it for ourselves.

Merton Pippin Facts

Its origins

Started from seed in London, England, 1914; introduced in 1948.

Flavour, aroma, texture

This crisp and juicy apple delivers plenty of acidity along with a sweet, fresh taste.


The apple's greenish-yellow background is partly covered with broken stripes of light red.

When they’re available

Late season (usually in mid-October).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh eating.

Quality for cider

Not particularly known for use in cider.

Keeping ability

Very good (4 or even 5 months when kept refrigerated).